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While these are allowed in specific cases, you must also provide a summary of the work, a specific reason you are posting, and credit to the original creator. Rule 4b: Do not post just links (YouTube, Imgur, Bell of Lost Souls, etc).This also includes text blocks consisting of Ork-speak, which should be posted at /r/40kOrkScience instead. This includes "who would win" and broad "what if" scenarios. Rule 4: No Memes, shitposts, or low-effort posts/comments.To add a spoiler to one of your comments, simply wrap it in exclamation marks and arrows >!!!Spoilers go here!< This is the result: Spoilers go here. Rule 3: Please use SPOILER tags when necessary.Posts featuring self-promotion will be removed. Please don't use this as a platform to promote your blog, crowdfunding, or anything of the ilk.

Hate speech, trolling, and aggressive behavior will not be tolerated, and may result in a ban. Failure to do so may result in investigation by the Inquisition. Set your 40kLore flair via the wondrous Flair Selection Page. However, since we've seen the devs create a Chaos light cruiser to act as a counterpart to the Dauntless, it might be fair to assume they want some sort of fleet equality, and since the Repulsive has no counterpart in any other fleet in the base rulebook, that might be why it possibly isn't there.A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of the 41st millennium. it might well be in the game and we just haven't seen it yet. The only ship we know has been included from the armada supplement is the Void Stalker.īut who really knows. It has no Imperial counterpart in the base material. It has a unique hull and would be a disproportionate use of resources, especially when one considers:

We haven't seen it in any released material so far. Unfortunately I have a sneaking suspicion that the Repulsive class grand cruiser has been left out for now. I would certainly err on the side of it being a Despoiler. I can't tell you for sure if there's going to GCs. On another glance, that might actually be a Despoiler BB, but there's a few graphical changes.