The deflector dish could be covered by protective armor plates while the ship was not traveling at warp speeds to defend the dish from damage during a battle.

While most other Starfleet ships were multirole designs for combat, exploration and research, the Dreadnought-class ships were designed solely for combat. The weapons were significantly more advanced than contemporary Constitution-class weaponry. Khan was involved with designing the weapons for the Dreadnought-class. Transport and cargoĪ ship of this class had several hangars. Legible graphics of computer screens with these systems labeled from the bridge of the Vengeance were released on the homepage of Jorge Almeida, the lead designer of the user interface elements for the film. Also, in stark contrast to the Enterprise bridge, the Dreadnought's bridge was very dark – in lieu of bright lighting and shining white walls, the bridge was largely black, though still well lit. Use of AI systems allowed for the operation of the starship's navigation and propulsion subsystems via voice commands. Under extreme circumstances, Dreadnought-class vessels could be operated by the captain single-handedly.

Its design utilized highly advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems to reduce the number of crew needed to operate the vessel. The bridge of a Dreadnought ship was small and cramped compared to the more spacious bridge of the Constitution-class. It had advanced weapon and propulsion capabilities allowing it to engage other vessels while traveling at warp velocities. This class was designed to be operated by a minimal crew, one person if necessary. The Dreadnought-class was roughly twice the size of a Constitution-class starship.